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Pacific BioDevelopment consultants cover the full range of drug development to commercialization.

Over 500 companies worldwide have trusted Pacific BioDevelopment to be their strategic drug development source. We work with biotechnology and pharmaceutical clients across the spectrum, from small, virtual start-ups to mid-size and multi-national biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. Each group has a distinct set of needs. Below is a representation of the kinds of clients with whom we work.


Early-stage companies have extreme pressure to get drug candidates into the clinic quickly to show initial promise to enable partnering or to gain additional funding. Early-stage companies also often need someone to fill the role of “acting VP” or other management positions until a permanent person can be found. We understand this and can design and execute on a strategic drug development plan to meet your corporate objectives. Many venture capital firms send their clients to us to increase their chances of success.

Mid-Sized Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Companies

Mid-sized biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies provide much of the innovation that fuels the medical industry. These companies need to carefully choose the best development path for each of their drug candidates. Mid-sized biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies sometimes lack the depth of experience or adequate headcount needed to effectively keep regulatory submissions on track or to handle new opportunities. We understand the competing resources you must juggle daily and can help you navigate the best, most efficient path for your drug candidates.

Multinational Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Companies

Multinational biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies need expertise across global markets and in all aspects of development to ensure they maximize the market potential of their drugs. We understand the need to move quickly to maximize your investments and can help you navigate the fastest, smoothest plan for your next drug candidate.